Acupuncture For Allergies
Did you know that Acupuncture is a proven treatment for those that suffer from seasonal allergies? Read below to learn how
it works to ease symptoms and prevent allergy attacks in the future

Immediate Benefits:

Acupuncture needles placed on specific points calms the inflammatory immune responses within the body by changing the way mast cells respond to allergens. If your mast cells are less reactionary, you have less symptoms. Sometimes our bodies have high levels of inflammation happening depending on our lifestyle, and acupuncture has an anti-inflammatory effect, lowering the levels of over-all inflammation in the body. Cool! Acupuncture also strengthens the immune system, or the "defense" against these anti-body inducing triggers.
What you feel is reduction in the severity of symptoms, un-clogged sinuses, and ease of breathing. The days following you may notice that you don't need to take an anti-histamine, your nose is less runny, or your eyes are less swollen.

Seasonal Allergies

Long term benefits:

Acupuncture works to treat the immune response or cause, where over the counter medications only treat the symptoms.
Lets say pollen is the root cause or trigger of the allergy response. If your mast cells are re-trained to respond to this trigger in a less reactive way, you'll have less symptoms. It's as simple as that.
Below is a list of some tips and tricks you can do at home to ease your allergy symptoms this year. Rember to prepare ahead of time and that you may need several appointments to re-train your immune system!


  • Jade Rolling
  • Supplement with Astragalus: Astragalus is one of Chinese Medicines Lung qi tonics. In other words, it helps to strengthen the lungs and your immune system in a way that decreases allergy symptom severity. Astragalus has been shown to reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis including runny nose, sneezing, and itching.


 Jade Roller



You can support your body's immune system and help regulate & balance these systems and allergic responses through acupuncture.

Kristina Adams

Kristina Adams


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