Holistic Physiotherapy

“Physiotherapy”, also known as “Physical Therapy” is a regulated health profession in Canada.  Physical Therapists (PT) complete a Bachelors and Masters degree, as well as national certification.  Physical Therapists work to prevent, assess, diagnosis and treat injury, disability, and disease.  Physiotherapists have in depth knowledge of the body and how it works.

Holistic Physiotherapy is a new term.  It refers to incorporating the usual Physiotherapy practice and education with extra training in overall health and well-being.  The Holistic Physiotherapist incorporates all determinants of health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) into the assessment and treatment.  The Physiotherapist may ask questions about lifestyle, daily habits, sleep, environment, stress, and self-care practices.  The practitioner wants to get an overall view of the client’s life and function.  It is well researched that pain affects many aspects of an individual’s life, and those aspects can affect the experience of pain.

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Holistic Therapist understands that clients will tell you the answer if you listen.  People know their body best, and the Holistic PT understands that communication and learning work in both directions. The assessment and diagnosis are fully explained and discussed and the treatment plan is made in conjunction with the client.

Promoting health without encouraging others to seek wholeness is an exercise in futility.  Not until we realize that our bodies are mirrors of our interpersonal, spiritual, professional, sexual, creative, financial, environmental, mental and emotional health will we truly heal”

Dr. Lissa Rankin